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Liliana Colage Italian Music Prize 2022

ll Cenacolo Italiano di Cleveland is honoring the life of Liliana Donati Colagè (1922-2022),
past president and long standing member of this Italian language and culture organization founded in 1928.

Born in Rome, Italy, Liliana came to the United States in 1957 and obtained
American citizenship in 1964. Liliana earned a Master Degree in Education from the Case Western Reserve University of Cleveland in 1967; she also earned a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures, specialization in French, from the University of Rome in 1949.
She received a Diploma of the Alliance Française from the Sorbonne University of Paris in 1951.

Liliana Colagè valued education as well as the arts and sciences. She was a French and Italian teacher in Italy and in the United States.
“ Madame” Colage taught French for twenty-three years in the Cleveland Public Schools FLES Program.
Beginning in 1958 Liliana taught the Italian language in the Adult Education Programs of: Cleveland Heights, Euclid, Mayfield, Orange, and Kenston. Upon her retirement from the classroom, she dedicated her time translating and volunteering for the Italian Cultural Garden Association in Rockefeller Park.

Mrs. Colage joined the Order of Italian Sons and Daughters of America in 1960. She was a Past President of Il Cenacolo Italiano di Cleveland which she joined in 1985. Liliana was also a member of La Maison Française de Cleveland and NOTA - Northeast Ohio Translators Association.

Among her varied interests, Liliana enjoyed writing, traveling, bowling, quilting and playing “Briscola”. She was an avid reader of contemporary Italian literature, a frequent lecturer in Italian for Il Cenacolo, a prolific writer and a published poet.

In June of 1996, Liliana Donati Colagè presented “The Italian Garden, Pearl of Rockefeller Park” at a special event held at the Italian Cultural Garden. Her poem was printed in the August 1996 edition of La Gazzetta Italiana.

Learn more about Il Cenacolo Italiano di Cleveland at:

To learn more about the Italian Cultural Garden:

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